What’s the best Panasonic Blu-ray player of 2023 reviews

Panasonic is a brand we’ve all grown up knowing. They’ve been manufacturing household appliances since the late 1930s. In this article, we’ll focus on the best Panasonic Blu-ray players, both past and present.
As the ultimate guide to everything Panasonic Blu-ray players, you don’t need to waste hours searching the internet for answers, you can come here. You’ll want to bookmark this page as we’ll be updating it often.
Current product range
A great place to start is with the current Panasonic Blu-ray player range. Having reviewed most of the units available, if any take your fancy, you can read an unbiased opinion before you buy one. Don’t just rely on the Panasonic website!
Panasonic DP-UB820 review – 9/10
Panasonic DP-UB450 review – 8/10
Panasonic DP-UB159 review – coming soon
Panasonic DP-UB150 review – 8/10
Panasonic DMP-BDT280 review – coming soon
Panasonic DMP-BDT180 review – 8/10
Panasonic DMP-BDT167 review – coming soon
Panasonic DMP-BD84 review – coming soon
What’s the best Panasonic Blu-ray player?
After gathering user feedback from multiple sources, the best Panasonic Blu-ray players are the DP-UB820 and DMP-BD84.
How do they compare to other leading brands?
As part of our mission to build a truly helpful online magazine, we regularly compare Panasonic Blu-ray players against other leading brands, such as Sony, Onkyo, and Samsung. Panasonic offers a few unique features, such as their HCX processor and superb build quality.
Here are some of the comparison articles we’ve written that feature Panasonic Blu-ray units.
Panasonic DP-UB150 vs Sony UBP-X700 comparison
LG UBK90 vs Panasonic DP-UB820 Blu-ray players compared
Panasonic DP-UB320 vs Sony UBP-X700 Blu-ray players comparison
Panasonic DP-UB820 vs DP-UB9000 Blu-ray players compared
Panasonic DP-UB450 vs Sony UBP-X700 Blu-ray player comparison
Panasonic DP-UB450 vs DP-UB820 Blu-ray player comparison
Panasonic DP-UB820 vs Sony UBP-X800M2 comparison
What we love about Panasonic Blu-ray players
The first feature to note about Panasonic Blu-ray players, is most of them use the Panasonic HCX (Hollywood Cinema Experience) processor, which was designed with leading movie studios to faithfully recreate the big screen experience at home.
Most devices allow for voice control via Google Assistant or Amazon Alexa, meaning you no longer need to search for a remote every time you want to operate your unit!
Their units are well-built and usually feature fantastic connectivity, allowing you to slot them into your home entertainment set up.
How much does they cost?
The current range of units are priced between £75 and £350. So are affordable and represent superb value for money, especially when you consider what features each player offers. The entry level units might not be world changing Blu-ray players, but they are solid units that last.
Anything to be aware of?
Several units don’t offer built-in Wi-Fi, meaning you’ll need to run an Ethernet cable from your router. Panasonic seems to lag behind other brands with internet capabilities as units typically have limited options and apps.
A few units suffer from small, complex remotes that infrequently freeze. Not ideal if you’re trying to control your Panasonic Blu-ray unit quickly.
The entry-level units are good enough as a second Blu-ray player in your home but might not offer all of the features you’d want for your main device. That said, for the price of these units, you can’t go wrong!
Where can you find support?
Panasonic has an excellent support section on their website. You can easily find a manual, register a product, or request a repair. There’s plenty of information available. There are several ways to contact Panasonic, including email, WhatsApp, and live chat.
A little brand history
Founded as a lightbulb socket manufacturer in 1918, the Panasonic Corporation is a major Japanese multinational conglomerate corporation. The brand is well known for selling household electronics and offers a wide range of products and services.
By 1979, Panasonic had launched in Europe and have gone from strength to strength from there. Since then, the brand has released TVs, mobile phones, headphones, radios, and Blu-ray players. You can even buy a Panasonic microwave, breadmaker, and juicer!
As a popular manufacturer of home entertainment equipment, you can find Panasonic devices in many homes across the UK and the world. Their product range includes several Blu-ray players, with multiple options across a wide price range.
Discontinued Panasonic Blu-ray players
There’s a sizeable list of discontinued Panasonic Blu-ray players. The list includes: